2024-2025 DONORS
mainstage Level
(Donors of $10,000 or more)
Warner Bros. Discovery
Become a Mainstage Level Donor Today! Donate here
backstage level
(Donors of $5,000 or more)
Become a Backstage Level Donor Today! Donate here
Orchestra level
(Donors of $1,000 or more)
Alisoun Geller ▪︎ Anthony Del Broccolo ▪︎ Anthony Portantino ▪︎ Bryan Snodgrass ▪︎ Elaine Hsu Tobin
Become a Orchestra Level Donor Today! Donate here
mezzanine level
(Donors from $500 to $999)
Jennifer Greenawalt ▪︎ Jennifer Tuchband ▪︎ Laura Jones ▪︎ Tamala Takahashi
Become a Mezzanine Level Donor Today! Donate here
balcony level
(Donors from $250 to $499)
David Gensler ▪︎ Kenneth Kaiser ▪︎ Lisa Sedares ▪︎ Michelle McKibben ▪︎
Morgan Meadows ▪︎ Sherry Pearlstein ▪︎ Spencer Scruggs ▪︎ Stephan Francisco
Become a Balcony Level Donor Today! Donate here
loge level
(Donors from $100 to $249)
Aaron Gensler ▪︎ Heather Brooker ▪︎ Jess Jani ▪︎ Jordan Kaiser ▪︎ Keen Independent ▪︎ Lani Thorn ▪︎ Larry Toffler ▪︎ Lauren Gill ​▪︎
Linda Whitehurst ▪︎ Melanie Uba ▪︎ Nicole Yates ▪︎ Rita Santana ▪︎ Sean Tai ▪︎ Shawn Rios ▪︎ Therese Intrater ▪︎ Thisbe Gensler
Become a Loge Level Donor Today! Donate here
lobby level
(Donors from $50 to $99)​
Bunny Gordon ▪︎ Danielle Schlichter ▪︎ James Winsley ▪︎ Mike Bowers ▪︎ Roberta Reynolds ▪︎ Skip Jani ▪︎ Theo Dawson
Become a Lobby Level Donor Today! Donate here
aisle level